What Are The Five Stages Of Teething?

Emily Clark
3 min readJun 8, 2021


Teething occurs around six months of age in children. However, the timing might slightly differ for each child. When babies start developing their teeth, the process can be termed as teething. Babies may experience irritation when their first set of teeth erupts through the gums.

They may develop a tendency to bite or chew on hard objects while they are in their teething phase. They may become fussy and sulk and cry owing to the discomfort caused by teething. You can take your child to a pediatric dental office in Carlsbad to know tips and techniques to comfort a teething baby.

Five Stages of Teething

Teething occurs in five stages and lasts till babies are over two years old. Knowing about the five stages of teething can help you cope with it better. A Carlsbad pediatric dentist can guide you with the signs of teething and what to expect during this time.

Stage 1 (0–6 months)

There is a set of twenty teeth hidden beneath the gums when the babies are born. These teeth are referred to as milk teeth since babies are strictly on milk diet till 6 months of age. There are twenty teeth located in the jawbone under the gums which are waiting to erupt after 6 months.

Stage 2 (6–8 months)

After six months, the first set of teeth starts erupting. The incisors are the first set to emerge. Incisors mean lower and upper front teeth. At this stage, babies will have an increased tendency to chew on hard objects.

You can talk to a doctor at the pediatric dental care in Carlsbad to know the right chew items that can be provided to kids to satisfy their urge to bite and chew. This reduces the pain and discomfort experienced by kids. Babies will also drool a lot during this period.

Stage 3 (10 to 14 months)

A child should be taken to a pediatric dental clinic in Carlsbad by the age of one or six months within the eruption of the first set of teeth. At this stage, the primary molars erupt in the back of the mouth in the upper and lower jaws. The discomfort may increase for babies at this stage and their sleep schedule may get disturbed.

If the baby experiences slight fever, you can book an appointment with the pediatric dentist. The doctor may prescribe over the counter medicines to relieve pain.

Stage 4 (16–22 months)

The canine teeth erupt at this stage. Canine teeth are those which are located between incisors and molars on top and bottom. If the baby’s pain doesn’t subside, you may want to visit a pediatric dentistry in Carlsbad. Never give aspirin or any such medicines without prescription.

Stage 5 (25–33 months)

The large molars erupt during the last stage. This can be quite uncomfortable for kids and parents may realize that none of the above techniques are helpful in soothing the child. Your Carlsbad pediatric dentist may suggest giving a hard vegetable for kids to chew on and release the pressure. Watch the baby while he chews on the vegetable to prevent choking.

Also Read: What are Some Pediatric Dental Tips For Young Parents?


Captain Floss is a pediatric dentistry in Carlsbad that provides infants, children and teens with the highest quality pediatric dental care. With board certified pediatric dentists, the clinic delivers the most advanced treatments to help kids maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for a lifetime.



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